Pet Insurance Review

Pet Insurance - Embrace

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Accident & Illness

Accident Only

Wellness Add-On

Coverage includes treatment while travelling internationally for up to 6 months


Unlimited annual limits available


24/7 Paw Support telehealth


Accident & Illness policies are not available for pets 15+ years old enrolling for the first time


You pay the vet bill directly and then file a claim for reimbursement


100% not an option (90% max)


$650 annual maximum annual limit


$50 reduction in your annual deductible for each year you do not require a claim reimbursement

  • Accidents

    • Broken bones & toenails

    • Intoxication, poisoning, foreign matter ingestion

    • Dental trauma

    • Car accidents

    • Bloat


    • Cancer

    • Pneumonia

    • Diarrhea

    • Vomiting

    • Giardia

    Dental Illnesses

    • Periodontal disease

    • Gingivitis

    • Root canals & crowns

    • Oral masses

    • Extractions

    Breed Specific & Genetic Conditions

    • Hip & elbow dysplasia

    • Brachycephalic syndrome

    • Hyper- & Hypothyroidism

    • Patellar Luxation

    • Intervertebral disc disease


    • Acupuncture

    • Chiropractic care

    • Hydrotherapy

    • Physiotherapy

    • Therapeutic laser treatment

    • Behavioral therapy

    • Emergency veterinary care

    • Specialist care

    • Diagnostic testing: biopsies, urinalysis, non-routine fecal exams,

    • Hospitalization

    • Surgery

    • Prosthetics and mobility devices

    • Prescription drugs

    • Pre-existing conditions if symptom free and treatment free for 12 months

    • Euthanasia

    • 24/7 Paw Support telehealth

    New policies for pets over 14 years old are only eligible for the Accident Only plan

  • Includes, but not limited to,

    • Bloat

    • Foreign body ingestion

    • Getting hit by a car

    • Poisoning

    • Cuts and lacerations

    New policies for pets over age 14 are only eligible for the Accident Only policy

  • Preventative care including,

    • Wellness exam fees

    • Vaccinations and titers

    • Flea, tick, and heartworm

    • Fecal and routine blood tests

    • Microchipping

    • Nutritional supplements

    • Grooming

    • Nail trimming

    • Training

    • Spay/neuter surgery

    • Dental cleanings

    • Prescription diet food

    • Routine chiropractic care

    • Reiki, massage therapy, acupuncture

    • Cremation or burial

    • Incurable pre-existing conditions

    • Breeding, whelping, or pregnancy

    • DNA testing or cloning

    • Injury or illness from fighting, racing, cruelty, or neglect

    • Cosmetic procedures

    • Avian flu or nuclear war

    • Routine veterinary care

Coverages and exclusions listed are a sample with potential limitations, subject to change based on jurisdiction, age, and health. Refer to our Terms of Service for the full disclaimer. Information provided is general; it's not professional advice. Verify policy details with the company or seek advice before deciding. We're not liable for any loss or damage. External links don't signify endorsement; users are encouraged to independently research for informed insurance decisions.


At the time of writing, Embrace was active in all states except Maine. Such availability is subject to change.

Pet Insurance
  • Accident & Illness limits include:





    $ Unlimited

    Accident Only limit:

    • $5,000

  • Accident & Illness

    • 70%

    • 80%

    • 90%

    Accident Only

    • 90%

    Wellness Plan

    • $250-650 allowance per year

  • 2 days for accidents

    14 days for most illnesses

    6 months for orthopedic conditions

  • Premiums

    • Premiums factor in your pet’s breed, age, and optional add-ons, if any, that you choose


    • 10% Multi-pet

    • 5% Military


    • Choosing a higher deductible will decrease premiums

    • Choosing a lower deductible will increase premiums

    • One annual deductible per pet

    • Decreases $50 per year if no claims are filed

    • Deductibles range from $100 - $1,000 for Accident & Illness plans and $100 for Accident Only plans

  • Insurance partners:

    • American Southern Home Insurance

    • American Modern Insurance