Pre-existing Conditions, Travel Insurance, and You

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  • Navigating Your Health Challenges

    Explore a diverse range of pre-existing conditions from chronic illnesses to recent injuries and learn how they impact your travel insurance options.

  • Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions vs. Onset of Pre-existing Conditions

    Discover the nuances between these two closely related insurance features. Ensure you select the coverage that best suits your needs.

The term pre-existing condition is fundamental to travel insurance. You may have heard the term and wondered what it is referring to or if your medical history includes any pre-existing conditions.

What is a pre-existing condition?

In the world of travel insurance, a pre-existing condition refers to any existing health ailment that you have before obtaining insurance coverage. This can encompass a variety of situations, ranging from chronic illnesses to recent injuries.

Insurance providers take pre-existing conditions into consideration when establishing coverage parameters, as the existence of conditions typically increases your risk profile. A heightened risk profile often results in insurers imposing specific restrictions or exclusions based on your health history.

Your pre-existing condition, and perceived increased risk profile, may impact your ability to obtain insurance and the premium rates you are required to pay.

Transparent disclosure of such conditions during the application process is essential for you to gain a clear understanding of how your health might impact your insurability, coverage, and premium costs. Failure to disclose these conditions could lead to complications or limitations in insurance coverage while abroad.

What are some examples of a pre-existing condition?

We have broken down some of the more common pre-existing conditions between chronic illnesses and injuries, to help illustrate their characteristics.

Chronic illnesses

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • Asthma

  • Arthritis

  • Kidney disease

  • Heart disease

  • Obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Thyroid disorders

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Mental or nervous disorders


  • Fractured bones

  • Ligament injuries

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Concussions

  • Dislocated joints

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Torn tendons

  • Nerve damage

  • Whiplash

Does travel insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

Standard travel insurance policies do not provide coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. These conditions can pose a challenge for you as you seek comprehensive protection.

The good news is that many companies offer pre-existing condition waivers under certain circumstances. Typically, you will be required to purchase your policy within a specific timeframe from the initial trip deposit, meet health criteria, insure a minimum trip cost, adhere to age restrictions, and potentially provide documentation such as medical records to qualify for a pre-existing condition waiver.

Premium insurance plans, designed with a more inclusive approach, may incorporate waivers for pre-existing conditions. Alternatively, certain insurers offer a waiver of pre-existing conditions as an optional upgrade on select policies.

What about coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions?

We have highlighted that a waiver of pre-existing conditions provides coverage for medical conditions existing before the policy's start date, lifting the exclusion typically associated with such conditions.

On the other hand, coverage for the acute onset of a pre-existing condition addresses sudden, unexpected exacerbations of pre-existing conditions during the trip, providing emergency medical coverage for unforeseen events.

For instance, if you have a known heart condition and you experience a sudden, severe heart attack during your trip, the coverage for the acute onset would come into effect to assist with emergency medical expenses related to this unexpected event.

This coverage aims to provide financial protection in cases of unforeseen emergencies tied to pre-existing health conditions while traveling.

This chart can help differentiate the two options:



Acute Onset


Lifts exclusion for pre-existing conditions

Covers sudden, unexpected flare ups during the trip


Allows coverage for known pre-existing conditions

Addresses emergency situations related to pre-existing conditions

Eligibility Requirements

Often tied to timing of insurance purchase

No specific timing requirement, but may have limitations

Scope of Coverage

Extends coverage to pre-existing conditions

Limited to emergency situations during the trip

Documentation / Proof

May require documentation to qualify for the waiver

Documentation may be required for any claims submitted


May not cover planned or routine medical treatments

Coverage amounts may be capped, and certain conditions may apply


Emergency medical treatment required for diabetes, heart condition, epilepsy, and more

Sudden heart attack, stroke, severe asthma attack, anaphylactic reaction, and more

Other Related Coverages

Several policies come with additional crucial coverages that remain applicable regardless of whether the cause is related to a pre-existing condition or another factor.

In the event of a medical crisis, emergency medical evacuation and repatriation prove invaluable. Furthermore, certain policies extend coverage to include emergency medical reunions, the return of a child, repatriation of mortal remains, and local burial and cremation benefits.

These supplementary benefits enhance the overall scope of coverage, ensuring comprehensive protection in various unforeseen situations.


Understanding pre-existing conditions is key for making informed decisions about travel insurance. Whether it's chronic illnesses, injuries, or exploring coverage options, your knowledge empowers savvy choices.

We are confident you will be able to find a travel insurance policy tailored to your unique needs and your budget.

To that end, we invite you to explore our travel insurance guide and our reviews of 12 leading travel insurance providers aimed at giving you maximum choice and protection.

We wish you safe travels!


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